
[07-07-2024] afterthoughts (anniversary edition) Released
[07-07-2024] Official Site Launched
[07-05-2024] Astralgia Released

afterthoughts (anniversary edition) Released

July 7, 2024

An expanded version of my 2nd collection, afterthoughts has been officially released today in honor of its first anniversary, aptly titled afterthoughts (anniversary edition).

Of my 14 collections so far, I regard afterthoughts as one of my favorites. Sometimes, when I release something, I feel that it lacks some charm that afterthoughts managed to capture. Maybe it's the teaser poems, or the overall aesthetic of the release. It was just something different for me.

I hope you love afterthoughts (anniversary edition) as much as I do.

Official Site Launched

July 7, 2024

The days of referring back to is over. I have migrated to Neocities!

I always wanted to have a site of my own. Although this site is just simple, I'll try improving it though time. I'm just glad that I have one centralized place for allmy poems and releases.

I hope that you will continue your support!

Astralgia Released

July 5, 2024

My 14th poem collection, Astralgia has been officially released today.

Most of Astralgia was written during the summer vacation, and summarizes my musings, longings, and events in my life, both the exciting and the mundane. There were a lot of poems that did not make it to the collection and sadly needed to cut it. But probably I may release it in the future or maybe that future is sooner than later.

Regardless, I hope you like Astralgia.